Formal Semantics in Moscow 3


These two places (or, rather, three, given that the Tretyakov gallery is divided into two non-adjacent galleries) are definitely worth visiting, but surely there is a lot of other museums. A little googling (e.g., with "Moscow museums") will provide you with more or less comprehensive lists, like, say, this one or that one.

Classical music

The most convenient way to get tickets is through an online booking service. This one usually works well and has an English version. (However, the direct booking seems to be unavailable in the English version - one has either to go to the Russian one or to fill a booking request form in English and then wait for the reply.)

Jazz music

While sometimes there are jazz concerts in big halls (especially when some famous person comes to Moscow to give a concert), of course, the better and more traditional way to enjoy jazz music is sitting in a jazz club: Usually one does not need to buy a ticket in advance to get in - one may just pay the cover (included in the bill or paid at the entrance). However, one also may always book a table in advance by phone, to be on the safe side.
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